policy and terms

(Remember, by purchasing and using this site, you agree to the terms of use, please make sure that you read and understand the terms of use when you use our site)


Personal information:  

When you shop on the Watch Any website, we will save some data to complete the purchase. All personal information is confidential. You have the right to request access to your data and you can change or remove anything wrong with it.


Paying commission to the site:

the site’s commission is 2% of the full value of the commercial transaction when it ends, paid by the advertiser and it is a trust in his responsibility, and this commission condition is a binding agreement, according to which the commission is entitled to demand. On site.



Responsibility of watches A is limited to the conditions listed for sale. We are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for non-compliance or delayed delivery.



It is important that the customer checks the products well upon receipt and if you received the product and saw that it is damaged or does not match the product that you ordered, you must inform the advertiser from whom you purchased and contact the site management as soon as possible.


Advertising or product fraud:

All fraud attempts are reported to the police.


Amendment to the terms and conditions of the site:

The site has the right to review the terms of use from time to time.